VDD181SCTA Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : VDD181SCTA

Function : Low voltage, Low power, ±1% High detect accuracy CMOS Voltage Detector with Delay circuit

Hersteller : AnaSem Semiconductors

Pinout :

VDD181SCTA datenblatt

Beschreibung :

The  VDD  series  are  delay  circuit  built-in  voltage  detectors  with  low voltage, low power consumption and high accuracy. The accuracy of the detection  voltage  is  detected  based  on  a  voltage  reference  of  high accuracy  that  the  temperature  coefficient  is  controlled.  The  detection voltage is made in high accuracy by using the lasertrimming technology Because the delay circuit is built-in, delay time can be set without any external components.

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