TI LP2988AIM-3.0 Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : LP2988AIM-3.0

Function : Micropower, 200 mA Ultra Low-Dropout Low Noise Voltage Regulator with Programmable Power-On Reset Delay

Hersteller : National ->Texas Instruments

Pinout :

LP2988AIM-3.0 datenblatt

Beschreibung :

The LP2987/8 are fixed-output 200 mA precision LDO voltage regulators with power-ON reset delay which can be implemented using a single external capacitor.

The LP2988 is specifically designed for noise-critical applications. A single external capacitor connected to the Bypass pin reduces regulator output noise.


Acquired by Texas Instruments on September 23rd, 2011.

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