LM2904 Datenblatt PDF – Dual OP AMP – STMicroelectronics

Teilenummer : LM2904


Hersteller : STMicroelectronics

Pinout :

LM2904 datenblatt

Beschreibung :

1. Wide bandwidth (unity gain): 1.1 MHz (temperature compensated)
2. Very low supply current/amplifier, essentially independent of supply voltage
3. Low input bias current: 20 nA (temperature compensated)
4. Low input offset current: 2 nA
5. Input common-mode voltage range includes ground
6. Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage
7. Large output voltage swing 0 V to (VCC+ -1.5 V)
This circuit consists of two independent, high gain, internally frequency-compensated operational amplifiers designed specifically for automotive and industrial control systems. It operates from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. The low power supply drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC gain blocks and all the conventional op-amp circuits which can now be more easily implemented in single power supply systems.

For example, these circuits can be directly supplied from the standard +5 V which is used in logic systems and easily provides the required interface electronics without requiring any additional power supply. In the linear mode, the input common-mode voltage range includes ground and the output voltage can also swing to ground, even though operated from a single power supply.


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Andere Datenblätter in der Datei : LM2904A, LM2904N

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LM2904 Datenblatt PDF – Dual, 1MHz, Operational Amplifiers

Teilenummer : LM2904

Function : Dual, 1MHz, Operational Amplifiers for Commercial Industrial, and Military Applications

Hersteller : Intersil

Pinout :

LM2904 datenblatt

Beschreibung :

The CA158, CA158A, CA258, CA358, CA358A and CA2904 types consist of two independent, high gain, internally frequency compensated operational amplifiers which are designed specifically to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. They may also be operated from split power supplies. The supply current is basically independent of the supply voltage over the recommended voltage range.


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Andere Datenblätter in der Datei : CA0158, CA0158AE, CA0158E, CA0158M, CA0158T

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