SN74LS322AN Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : SN74LS322AN


Hersteller : Motorola => Freescale

Pinout :

SN74LS322AN datenblatt

Beschreibung :

These 8-bit shift registers have multiplexed input/output data ports to accomplish full 8-bit datahandling in a single 20-pin package. Serial data may enter the shift-right register througheither D0 or D1 inputs as selected by the data select pin. A serial output is also provided. Synchronous parallel loading is achieved by taking the register enable and the S/Pinputs low. This places the three-state input/output ports in the data input mode. Data is entered on the low-to-high clock transition.The data extend function repeats the sign in the QA flip-flopduring shifting. An overriding clear input clears the internal registers when taken low whether the outputs are enabled or off. The output enable does not affect synchronous operation of the register.

• Multiplexed Inputs/Outputs Provide Improved Bit Density
• Sign Extend Function
• Direct Overriding Clear
• 3-State Outputs Drive Bus Lines Directly

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