STK442-110 PDF Datenblatt
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This is 14 Pin / Class AB 2 Channels AF Power Amplifier. SPECIFICATIONS
1. Case Outline 14Pins (See attached outline drawing) 2. Function class AB 2 channels AF power amplifier 3. Application 70W audio use 4. Maximum Ratings , Ta=25deg. Item Power Supply Voltage 1 Power Supply Voltage 2 Thermal Resistance Junction Temperature Operating Substrate Temperature Storage Temperature Available Time for Load Short-circuit *4 Symbol Conditions Vcc max(1) No signal Vcc max(2) Signal ,R L=8ohm ,6ohm Theta j-c Per one power TR Tj max Tc max Tstg Vcc=+-38V,RL=6ohm,f=50H- ts PO=70W,1ch drive
Ratings Unit +-61.5 V +-54 V 1.9 deg., W 150 deg. 125 deg. -30 to +125 deg. 0.3 s
5. Operating Characteristics Tc=25deg.,RL=6ohm(Non-inductive Load),Rg=600ohm,VG=30dB Item Output Power THD Frequency Characteristics Input Impedance Output Noise Voltage Quiescent Current Output Neutral Voltage *3 *1 *1 *1 Symbol Po1 Po2 THD fL,fH ri VNO ICCO VN Conditions Po V f (W) (V) (Hz) +-38 20 to 20k +-38 1k *2 THD (%) 0.4 10 Ratings MIN. .