NILMS4501N Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : NILMS4501N

Function : Power MOSFET with Current Mirror FET 24 V, 9.5 A, N−Channel, ESD Protected, 1:250 Current Mirror, SO−8 Leadless

Hersteller : ON Semiconductor

Pinout :

NILMS4501N datenblatt

Beschreibung :

N−Channel MOSFET with 1:250 current mirror device utilizing the latest ON Semiconductor technology to achieve low figure of merit while keeping a high accuracy in the linear region. This device takes advantage of the latest leadless QFN package to improve thermal transfer.

•Current Sense MOSFET
•15% Current Mirror Accuracy
•ESD Protected on the Main and the Mirror MOSFET
•Low Gate Charge
•Pb−Free Package is Available*

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