NCP5006SNT1 Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : NCP5006SNT1

Function : (NCP5008 / NCP5009) Backlight LED Boost Driver

Hersteller : ON Semiconductor

Pinout :

NCP5006SNT1 datenblatt

Beschreibung :

The NCP5006 is a high efficiency boost converter operating in current loop, based on a PFM mode, to drive White LED. The current mode regulation allows a uniform brightness of the LEDs. The chip has been optimized for small ceramic capacitors, capable to supply
up to 1.0 W output power.

•2.7 to 5.5 V Input Voltage Range
•Voutto 24 V Output Compliance Allows up to 5 LEDs Drive in
•Built−in Overvoltage Protection
•Inductor Based Converter brings up to 90% Efficiency
•Constant Output Current Regulation
•0.3 A Standby Quiescent Current
•Includes Dimming Function (PWM)
•Enable Function Driven Directly from Low Battery Voltage Source
•Automatic LEDs Current Matching
•Thermal Shutdown Protection
•All Pins are Fully ESD Protected
•Low EMI Radiation
•Pb−Free Package is Available

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