M29F400 Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : M29F400

Function : 4 Mbit ( 512Kb x8 or 256Kb x16 ) / Boot Block Single Supply Flash Memory

Hersteller : STMicroelectronics

Pinout :

M29F400 datenblatt

Beschreibung :

The M29F400B is a 4 Mbit (512Kb x8 or 256Kb x16) non-volatile memory that can be read, erased and reprogrammed. These operations can be performed using a single 5V supply. On power-up the memory defaults to its Read mode where it can be read in the same way as a ROM or EPROM.

The M29F400B is fully backward compatible with the M29F400.


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