DRV10983 Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : DRV10983

Function : DRV10983 12- to 24-V, Three-Phase, Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver

Hersteller : Texas Instruments

Pinout :

DRV10983 datenblatt

Beschreibung :

DRV10983 is a three-phase sensorless motor driver with integrated power MOSFETs, which can provide continuous drive current up to 2 A. The device is specifically designed for cost-sensitive, low-noise/low external component count applications.

The DRV10983 uses a proprietary sensorless control scheme to provide continuous sinusoidal drive, which significantly reduces the pure tone acoustics that typically occur as a result of commutation. The interface to the device is designed to be simple and flexible. The motor can be controlled directly through PWM, analog, or I2C inputs. Motor speed feedback is available through either the FG pin or I2C.


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