AT42QT1010 Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : AT42QT1010

Function : Single-key QTouch Touch Sensor IC

Hersteller : Atmel Corporation

Pinout :

AT42QT1010 datenblatt

Beschreibung :

The AT42QT1010 (QT1010) is a digital burst mode charge-transfer (QT) sensor that is capable of detecting near proximity or touch, making it idealfor implementing touch controls.

With the proper electrode and circuit design, the self-containeddigital IC will project a touch or proximity field to several centimeters through any dielectric like glass, plastic, stone, ceramic, and even most kinds of wood.

It can also turn small metal-bearing objects into intrinsic sensors, making them responsive to proximity or touch. This capability, coupled with its ability to self-calibrate, can lead to entirely new product concepts.


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