83940BY Datenblatt PDF ( Pinout, schematic )

Teilenummer : 83940BY

Function : Low Skew, 1-to-18 LVPECL-to LVCMOS/LVTTL Fanout Buffer / Eighteen LVCMOS/LVTTL outputs, 16Ωtypical output impedance

Hersteller : Integrated Device Technology

Pinout :

83940BY datenblatt

Beschreibung :

The ICS83940 is a low skew, 1-to-18 LVPECL-to-LVCMOS/LVTTL Fanout Buffer. The ICS83940 has twoselectable clock inputs. The PCLK, nPCLK pair can accept LVPECL,
CML, or SSTL input levels. The LVCMOS_CLK can accept LVCMOS or LVTTL input levels. The low impedance LVCMOS/LVTTL outputs are designed to drive 50Ωseries or parallel terminated transmission lines.

The ICS83940 is characterized at full 3.3V, full 2.5V and mixed 3.3V input and 2.5V output operating supply modes. Guaranteed output and part-to-part skew characteristics make the ICS83940 ideal for those clock distribution applications demanding well defined performance and repeatability.

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