25L1605D Datenblatt – 16M-BIT CMOS Serial Flash

Teilenummer : 25L1605D, MX25L1605D

Function : CMOS SERIAL FLASH Memory

Package : DIP 8 Pin

Hersteller : Macronix International

Image :

25L1605D datenblatt

Beschreibung :

MX25L1605D : 16M-BIT [x 1 / x 2] CMOS SERIAL FLASH

MX25L3205D : 32M-BIT [x 1 / x 2] CMOS SERIAL FLASH

MX25L6405D : 64M-BIT [x 1 / x 2] CMOS SERIAL FLASH

The 25L1605D are 16,777,216 bit serial Flash memory, which is configured as 2,097,152 x 8 internally. When it is in two I/O read mode, the structure becomes 8,388,608 bits x 2. The MX25L3205D are 33,554,432 bit serial Flash memory, which is configured as 4,194,304 x 8 internally. When it is in two I/O read mode, the structure be comes 16,772,216 bits x 2. The MX25L6405D are 67,108,864 bit serial Flash memory, which is configured as 8,388,608 x 8 internally. When it is in two I/O read mode, the structure becomes 33,554,432 bits x 2. (please refer to the „Two I/O Read mode“ section). The MX25L1605D/3205D/6405D feature a serial peripheral interface and software protocol allowing operation on a simple 3-wire bus.

High Performance
– Fast access time: 86MHz serial clock (15pF + 1TTL Load) and 66MHz serial clock (30pF + 1TTL Load)
– Serial clock of two I/O read mode : 50MHz (15pF + TTL Load), which is equivalent to 100MHz
– Fast program time: 1.4ms(typ.) and 5ms(max.)/page (256-byte per page)
– Byte program time: 9us (typical)
– Continuously program mode (automatically increase address under word program mode)

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Andere Datenblätter in der Datei : 25L3205D, 25L6405D, MX25L1605D, MX25L3205D

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